
Is Exposing a Child to Domestic Violence Neglect in Minnesota?

It’s not uncommon for criminal law and family law to intersect in Minnesota cases involving domestic violence. When a child is involved, the law is very specific in what kinds of acts constitute neglect of a child. It also further defines how domestic violence and domestic abuse are prosecuted.

If you’re facing child neglect charges that stem from a domestic violence charge, it can be confusing and scary. The important thing is to understand what these charges mean and how the law potentially punishes them. Read on to find out what you need to know.

What Is Domestic Violence in Minnesota?

There are several crimes that can be classed as domestic violence in Minnesota. What police examine to determine if [...]


How to Execute a Simple Divorce in Minnesota

Getting a divorce is a complicated matter. Just as no two relationships are alike, no two divorces are alike either.

That’s why the state of Minnesota provides several routes for couples to execute a divorce. There are requirements that must be met in the state before you can file, and you must decide which type of divorce best fits your situation.

Here’s what you need to know about divorce in Minnesota, plus how mediation might help your divorce process.

Legal Requirements for Divorce

In order to divorce in Minnesota, a few legal requirements must be met. These include:

    At least one person in the marriage has lived in Minnesota for a minimum of 180 days If children are involved, you

Protective Order Violations During a Divorce

To say that a time leading up to a divorce may be contentious or even violent can be an understatement. After all, when a relationship has reached the point where a couple wants a divorce, chances are things are not going well between the people involved.

This may lead to situations where domestic violence occurs and, in the aftermath, an order of protection is provided to one party.

That can make the divorce proceedings a bit more complicated. Here’s what you need to know about protective orders and how they can impact your rights in a divorce proceeding.

What Is an Order for Protection?

An Order for Protection is an order by the court that can stop contact between two [...]


How Splitting Assets in a Minnesota Divorce Works

If you’ve decided to get a divorce in the state of Minnesota, then you know there are a lot of things to work out.

It’s vital to know what your rights are in a divorce, which is why you have an experienced divorce attorney to help guide you through the process. It’s also good to understand for yourself what your rights are when it comes to assets in a divorce.

Here is an overview of Minnesota marital property laws and a few of the most common mistakes made by those seeking a divorce as they work to split their assets.

What Is Marital Property?

In Minnesota, assets in a divorce are divided into two categories: marital and non-marital property. Any [...]


Ready to Change Your Divorce Decree? What to Know in Minnesota

When you first settled your divorce, you may have been perfectly happy with the divorce decree. Life can change, though, and your circumstances right along with it, causing your official divorce decree to become unworkable or impractical for one or both parties.

When a divorce decree becomes obsolete, then you can seek to have it modified. However, this process isn’t always easy.

Here’s what you need to know about changing your divorce decree and how you can make it happen with the help of an attorney.

Why Minnesota Divorce Decrees Are Modified

There are several reasons that someone may want to modify a divorce decree. The most common reasons include:

    The loss of a job Suffering from a disabling injury

Understanding More About How Your Minnesota Child Support Works


Financial support is something a child needs from both parents. Under the law in Minnesota, children have the right for both their parents to financially support them.

Whenever a couple with children separates, whether they’ve been married or not, child support is determined under the Minnesota Child Support Guidelines.

There’s no question that, at times, the law can be a bit confusing. Luckily, how child support in Minnesota works isn’t that difficult to understand.

Here is a breakdown of how child support is determined and other general information you need to make sure your child support arrangements are fair.

Child Support: What Is It?

The money that a parent or parents pay to help support a child that does [...]


Pros and Cons of MN’s Newly Proposed Parental Custody Split

Recently, the Minnesota Legislature has proposed a new set of legislation for child custody agreements. This new legislation, known as HF 887 and HF1666/SF 1295, is significantly more strict in how it views parental custody.

Specifically, it holds that both parents of a child are entitled to equal parenting time. If this legislation becomes law, it would be a dramatic change for many Minnesota parents.

Having a 50/50 custody split as the primary custody agreement may help people in some situations, but not all. In fact, this change has some significant downsides compared to current Minnesota custody laws.

Current Minnesota Child Custody Guidelines

Currently, the state of Minnesota’s child custody law includes a presumption that parents are entitled to 25 [...]


MN Law on Child Supervision is Vague — Your Ex’s Attorney Won’t Be

Minnesota law does not provide a specific age or circumstances under which a child can be left home alone or under the care of another child. However, there are general laws that require adequate and appropriate supervision of minor children.

In general, Minnesota child supervision guidelines are vague and suggest that parents use common sense regarding child supervision.

That said, if you are facing a potential divorce or child custody case, it’s likely that your ex (and their attorney) will be carefully tracking the supervision of the children while they’re in your care, looking for slip-ups that could paint you as a negligent parent.

We’ve put together a guide covering the general child supervision guidelines laid out by the state, [...]


MN Family vs. Criminal Court, Advantages of a Lawyer Who Knows Both

Family court and criminal court are two distinct systems of law, and it’s common for lawyers to practice either family or criminal law. In some cases, attorneys do practice both.

Family and criminal courts are separate branches of law, and it’s important to know the difference between the two. However, some family law cases also overlap into criminal court, so it’s possible that you’ll need an attorney who is familiar with both systems in order to ensure your best representation.

So what is the difference between family and criminal court, and what kind of lawyer do you need for your situation?

Minnesota Family Court

When a case is processed through family court is considered a civil, rather than criminal, proceeding. [...]


Skip the Child Support in MN, Risk Federal Criminal Prosecution

Child support is an important part of family law in Minnesota.

It’s one of the most important types of support offered to children, helping kids receive the care they need to grow into functional adults. Because of this, the legal system takes the enforcement of child support payments seriously.

In fact, child support is taken so seriously that failing to pay it can lead to federal prosecution. If you disagree with your mandated child support payments, it’s better to fight them in court than to simply not pay.

How Minnesota Child Support Is Determined

Minnesota child support is awarded in order to help cover the costs of raising a child. It can come into play in two ways:

    When married