
How to Modify Your MN Child Custody or Support Agreement

A divorce or separation can be a difficult and emotionally challenging experience, especially when children are involved. One of the most critical aspects of divorce proceedings involving children is establishing child custody and support agreements. These agreements determine how parents share parenting responsibilities and financial support for their children.

However, as time passes, circumstances may change, and it may become necessary to modify these agreements to better meet the child’s evolving needs or the parent’s changing circumstances. Modifying a child custody or support agreement in Minnesota can be complex, but ensuring that the child’s best interests are always the top priority is crucial.

Child Support Agreements in MN

Child custody agreements are legal documents that outline how parents will share [...]


MN Custody Laws Every Parent Should Know

Child custody is rarely a straightforward issue in family court. Often, parents don’t agree on what is best for the child – and when you throw in the legal complexities, cases can easily become confusing and complicated.

Anyone who is going through a child custody case in Minnesota needs to do their homework. They must understand the issues that the court is attempting to address with child custody and what processes are used to bring about the most expedient and positive outcome.

Read on to find out the Minnesota custody laws every parent should know.

Types of Custody in Minnesota Law

There are different types of custody reflected in state law that parents need to understand. They include:

Physical Custody


Important FAQs about Child Custody in Minnesota

When you’re going through a divorce or separation, there are a lot of things to agree on and arrange between you and your soon-to-be-former partner. One of the issues that concern many people going through this process is child custody.

Child custody laws in Minnesota are important to understand if you have kids and have to decide how to co-parent with another person. In the state, child custody is an area of law that decides how and where the child or children live and how much time they spend with both parents. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about child custody in Minnesota.

What Is the Difference Between Legal and Physical Custody?

Legal and physical custody are [...]


Sometimes It’s Necessary to Change Your MN Child Custody Agreement

Child custody arrangements in Minnesota can be difficult to navigate, but only because they are complex matters with a lot of requirements through the courts.

Even if your child custody arrangement was designed amicably, making changes is a process where you may want to get a lawyer involved.

Learn more below about child custody agreements in Minnesota after a divorce or separation and how you can go about getting yours changed if you need to.

Modifying a Child Custody Agreement

It’s just a fact of life that circumstances change. What worked a few months ago may not work now when it comes to child custody. The courts understand this and that’s why they make it possible to change child custody [...]


Gaining Full Custody as a MN Father Is Tough but Not Impossible

When a child is born, a special bond forms between a baby and their parents. Children rely on both of them for care, to meet their basic needs, and to teach them about the world.

The state of Minnesota recognizes how special the bond between child and parent can be, which is why they put laws in place that seek to protect children and parents while helping to maintain the very special relationship they share.

There are 13 factors that courts take into consideration when deciding on a custody case in this state. Learn what those factors are and what rights you have as a father in your Minnesota custody case.

Legal Custody vs. Physical Custody

There are two types [...]


Pros and Cons of MN’s Newly Proposed Parental Custody Split

Recently, the Minnesota Legislature has proposed a new set of legislation for child custody agreements. This new legislation, known as HF 887 and HF1666/SF 1295, is significantly more strict in how it views parental custody.

Specifically, it holds that both parents of a child are entitled to equal parenting time. If this legislation becomes law, it would be a dramatic change for many Minnesota parents.

Having a 50/50 custody split as the primary custody agreement may help people in some situations, but not all. In fact, this change has some significant downsides compared to current Minnesota custody laws.

Current Minnesota Child Custody Guidelines

Currently, the state of Minnesota’s child custody law includes a presumption that parents are entitled to 25 [...]


MN Law on Child Supervision is Vague — Your Ex’s Attorney Won’t Be

Minnesota law does not provide a specific age or circumstances under which a child can be left home alone or under the care of another child. However, there are general laws that require adequate and appropriate supervision of minor children.

In general, Minnesota child supervision guidelines are vague and suggest that parents use common sense regarding child supervision.

That said, if you are facing a potential divorce or child custody case, it’s likely that your ex (and their attorney) will be carefully tracking the supervision of the children while they’re in your care, looking for slip-ups that could paint you as a negligent parent.

We’ve put together a guide covering the general child supervision guidelines laid out by the state, [...]


Violating a Minnesota Protective Order Can Impact Your Child Custody

Domestic violence is rampant in Minnesota and the US as a whole, and the number of cases has seen a dramatic uptick during the COVID-19 pandemic. A likely contributing factor? Victims and abusers in closer proximity more often and/or for longer periods of time during (semi)lockdown.

For those who are able to maintain distance from a problematic relationship, protective orders are often put into place in order to prevent physical acts of domestic violence and other forms of harassment such as stalking.

The majority of protective orders do stem from genuine threats to a victim’s physical safety and are urgently needed to keep victims and their children safe. However, domestic violence accusations and protective orders are occasionally abused by some [...]