
MN Domestic Violence Protective Orders: Common Conditions

Just as in other states, Minnesota takes threats and violence between members of the same household very seriously – and they take action to protect those who are vulnerable.

Minnesota provides victims of domestic violence with a form of legal protection called an “order for protection”. This order contains many conditions. If you are named as the person against whom the order was issued, violating these conditions can send you to jail.

If you’re not sure what an order for protection is or what it does, then read on to find out more to help you stay within the confines of the law.

Order For Protection: What Is It?

When a domestic abuse case is pending between family or household [...]


Protective Order Violations During a Divorce

To say that a time leading up to a divorce may be contentious or even violent can be an understatement. After all, when a relationship has reached the point where a couple wants a divorce, chances are things are not going well between the people involved.

This may lead to situations where domestic violence occurs and, in the aftermath, an order of protection is provided to one party.

That can make the divorce proceedings a bit more complicated. Here’s what you need to know about protective orders and how they can impact your rights in a divorce proceeding.

What Is an Order for Protection?

An Order for Protection is an order by the court that can stop contact between two [...]


MN Orders for Protection Can Get Sticky Around the Holidays

Most people are familiar, thanks to television and movies, with the idea of a restraining order. Still, orders for protection can be difficult to understand for those involved in personal situations of domestic violence.

In Minnesota, there are three different types of orders that can be issued to protect the petitioner from a person they believe can and would harm them. No contact orders, restraining orders, and orders for protection are all common, but it’s the last one that should be talked about this time of the year. After all, the holidays right around the corner.

Here’s what you need to know about orders for protection in Minnesota and how those named in them could unintentionally violate them around the [...]