
Can You Share a Divorce Attorney With Your Spouse in MN?

Going through a divorce can be a long, expensive, and arduous process, but it’s not always that way. In some situations, there may be agreement on all aspects of the divorce between the parties involved. That can make things a lot simpler, but many people wonder if they can make it even more simplified by using the same attorney as their spouse.

While it may seem like a clever way to save time and money, you and your spouse should not share an attorney in the divorce process. There are some good reasons why that you should educate yourself about – no matter amicable your divorce may be.

Do Divorcing Minnesotans Have to Get a Lawyer?

In Minnesota, neither party [...]


Mediators: What To Look for in your MN Divorce

Many people fear that divorce will be a long, contentious, drawn-out process in the courts. Fortunately, that is simply not true in many cases. Why? Because many of those going through a divorce choose a mediator to help them settle out of court before it has to go to trial.

The truth is that using a mediator can help you and your soon-to-be-ex resolve issues in your divorce outside of the courtroom. Seeking resolution in this way has an impact on the case and your experience in the divorce process. So, while divorce is never exactly a pleasant thing, using a mediator can make it far less hostile and just a little easier.

Here’s what you need to know about [...]