
How Do I Know What Type of MN Auto Coverage I Need?

The sprawling greenery and beautiful waters of the “Land of Lakes” might inspire scenic weekend drives, but most Minnesotans own a car simply to get where they’re going. No matter where you drive, you need insurance to protect yourself, as Minnesota is a no-fault car insurance state.

If you believe a car accident can’t happen to you, think again. According to the Minnesota Office of Public Safety, February of 2021 contained 23 automobile accidents with fatalities, an increase from the previous year. Most accidents were related to alcohol or speeding. These numbers prove that it’s in everyone’s best interest to carry sufficient insurance on the road. You never know what can happen.

Here are the different types of auto coverage [...]


Minnesota’s No-Fault Benefits Don’t Eliminate Fault Completely

Anyone with a vehicle in Minnesota knows about the “no-fault” car insurance policy required in our state. But what does that mean if you’re in a car accident? Is there any recourse if you’re injured? How do you go about determining who’s responsible?

Minnesota, just like many other states, requires anyone who owns a vehicle to have a minimum level of car insurance — insurance that includes no-fault coverage. Here’s what you need to know in order to make sense of this type of car insurance system, why the state requires it, and what you can do if you’re hurt in a car accident.

What Is No-Fault Insurance in Minnesota?

Every person who owns a car or truck in our [...]